Development and implementation of econometric models to forecast short, medium and long-term economic activities, land and floorspace demand

Waters Economics team members first developed employment land-use forecasting models for the Hong Kong 2030 Territorial Development Strategy.  Building on the forecasting models, the team subsequently developed an employment-based model for forecasting industrial, business and technology land needs to meet the requirements of the UK Government’s Planning Guidance on Employment Land Reviews. 

The demand model has continued to be developed and has been applied in more than 10 locations in the UK:

•International Innovation Park at Gatwick Airport
•Strategy for the Midlands Technology Corridor
•North East Business Space Property and Land Database
•Black Country Strategy Employment Land Review

The Waters Economics team, acting as the expert economic witness, presented the model in a UK Planning Inquiry. 

Core Techniques

Economic Modelling | Demand Forecasting | Industry Sector Analysis